Jeremy has strep throat! Get better soon!!
I agree with Kris... We need to enter the new year on a high note.
love you!!! Jessica and Campbell
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Another one bites the dust!

I just talked to my mom and she too is sick with a fever. But after checking on her again, she is feeling much better after getting medicine from the local pharmacy. Please family, get well and stay well. Glad you are a tad bit better mom. I hate that you and Jeremy are both sick. Please bring the New Year in with good health. Love you Momma!!
103.3 and rising!

Jeremy had to do a reverse 24 hour shift today (6pm to 6pm). The only problem was he woke up sick and couldn't call off. He was shivering, had an upset belly, sore throat, headache, body aches, and the fever that just kept climbing. We finally gave up with the thermometer at 103.something. I am so sorry you are having to work right now bud. I sure hope you get some well needed rest and aren't up all night with calls. We love you and hope you feel better. Campbell is still talking about "Daddy leave for work and not give me a kiss!".
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What a Wonderful Chirstmas!!
We went and spent the day at my parents with my sister's family as well. I think they look wiped out!! Could Christmas really be over already?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Charlotte!!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thank you Aunt Heather and Kenzie!!
Campbell had her first offical "group" sleepover at her Aunt Heather's last night. Campbell has stayed now several times at my parents and a few times at Jeremy's parents and has done wonderfully well. Heather (Jeremy's older sister) called yesterday afternoon to invite Campbell over to do holiday crafts with her cousins Brooklyn and Bailey and a sleepover. Campbell packed up 4 baby dolls and tons of books and was ready to go!!! They had so much fun! Heather decided with Kenzie ( my 15 old niece) that they would spend the night. They stayed up until midnight and were back awake at 9 am. Pretty good for 3 kids under 5 I think. Thank you Heather for the evening to finish my gift wrapping and overall a relaxing night. I appreciate the few extra hours of sleep this morning. Campbell wants to know... when does she get to do it again?
Wait~ Or is that her mom asking? Ha!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Congrats George! We will miss you and Dani!

Our good friends, George and Danielle Farrelly, have moved to Georgia. George just graduated on Saturday from BSU with a degree in accounting. George was offered a position with Crow an accounting firm in Atlanta. Dani was able to be transerred from her job to a local branch as well in Georgia. Dani and I have been best friends for over 10 yrs. I wish them the best and can't express how much we will miss you both. Please keep visting and don't even think about buying a house without a spare bedroom for the Quires'. See you in April!!!
PS. I had a blast going out with you all for one more go around last night~~~~ may we all recover by Monday!!!
Christmas Wrapping
I was done shopping the day after Thanksgiving with all my Christmas buying. But as of this morning I still had not even wrapped one present yet. I decided while Campbell was napping to dig right in to wrapping some of her presents. I only got 5 done until I heard little pitter patter of her feet. I quickly put my things away and did not want to make a big deal of the new items under the tree. I am wondering now if maybe I should of. During the time I was getting her a juice, Campbell decided to unwrap 3 of the 5 presents. She had all bows and name tags off and was starting in on the tape. She was so proud of herself. Jeremy caught her and quickly got her distracted before seeing the gifts inside. I have a feeling if I would of wrapped earlier in this month, it most likely would of been unwrapped countless number of times~~
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mary Had a Baby Boy... and his name is Jesus!
Campbell loved singing her in school program. She actually sang the songs and did the motions. She was our star even though at one time she had her finger in her nose. I couldn't believe I was the mother who actually had tears in her eyes while she was singing. When she was done, she told us, "Come on Mommy take me back on the stage!". She was too funny. The one song they sang was about baby Jesus. Now everything she does is because "Jesus said so" (like spilling her dinner on the table, not wanting to do what has been asked of her, or calling her baby "baby Jesus"). Jeremy and I have decided that she can play the Jesus card now. It is still cute. But at 16 if she is still saying," Well I snuck out of the house because Jesus told me to, she may be in trouble. Jesus is the reason why we celebrate Christmas and I am glad Campbell knows that too. Here is Campbell signing Mary had a baby boy and his name was Jesus!!!!! Sorry it is sooo long. The first minute is them getting on stage. Of course I had to tape all of it. PS..She is the one in the black and gold dress.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving night we went roller skating with my entire family. It was so much fun. I am not even sure how long it has been since I had last been on skates. Campbell was so agile and one would think she had done it 100 times before. She even skated backwards. She kept saying, "No Mommy I do it by myself.". Campbell would fall down and I would gasp and try to help her up but much to her dismay. She would tell me, Don't touch please, I do it.". What a big girl she is!!!! My little athlete... just like her mom! ha! (I guess I mean dad). Enjoy watching a clip of Campbell before my flip camera died. Wouldn't you think to carry extra batteries (not me). Remind you that I am on skates too and this is the end of the evening. Campbell is one tired child at this point. Talk soon~~~
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My Husband

Jeremy and I had a wonderful day this week together. I took the day off work just to be with him. We spent the day going to IKEA to just browse. I loved the conversations and just the time we got to spend alone together being "Jessica and Jeremy". It makes me realize how much I really do miss him when he is gone, but how much I not only respect him for providing for us even though it is hard to miss everything he has to miss when he works.
Many of you all know Jeremy has a crazy work schedule which can be difficult not only me, our family, but for him. I know their are many times he rather be at home with his family instead of going to work to take care of other families, but he always goes with a smile. Over the almost 10 years that he has been on the fire department he has rarely complained. He does hate working holidays and missing Campbell do her daily funny things, but again he makes up for it all when he is home.
Jeremy and I have learned that having homemade dinner on the weekends is just as cool as the local restaurant and renting a movie from McDonald's provides as much entertainment as the movies. That bedtimes at ten with all 3 of us piling into our bed and snuggling sure makes us smile after a long day. Rolling on the ground laughing with tickle attacks, playing in the toy kitchen and eating play food, drawing with markers, pretending to be asleep so Campbell can wake us up, singing silly songs, and dancing like no one is watching is a whole of a lot better than any theme park or night club we could attend.
I have become a independent person that I never knew I had the capability to become. Much of this is due to my husband and the strength he instills in me when he has to be gone. He has taught me that just because he is gone at night, I am not alone. That just because he isn't with us everyday, their is not a moment he wishes he wasn't. He loves his vices (poker, computer, watching ESPN) and respects that fact that I need them too. He has never told me no to something I would like to do even if it means it is on the only night he has off. He may not want to always do what I want or even be alone on the nights that I have something else planned, but he always is supportive and understands.
Campbell thinks you hung the moon. I agree. I am lucky to have a husband who works hard, is loving, plays like a kid himself with our daughter, and overall adores his family.
Jeremy- Thank you for being you. You are very unique and that is why I love you.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sick House
I am at home this afternoon from work early with a upset belly and aching in every part of my body. YEA! To make things even worse, our little darling was sent home from daycare (school) today due to her throwing up. Jeremy has to be relieved to be at work today and missing all of the yuckies going around our home. Wish he was here to make things a little bit easier, but thankfully tomorrow he is off. Mommy duties are calling. Hope everyone stays well!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well... Finally...I am here!
After much twisting of my arm, I am here on this blog site. I wasn't ever sure if I would do this or not since I am busy with Campbell (who is now almost 27 months), a husband who works 2 full time jobs, and a job that doesn't allow me much time at a computer. Many of you who know me know I speak in random thoughts and large circles and writing is even more complicated. But hey... it is worth a shot to be connected to all my friends and family. So ... here comes the lives of the Quires!
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