Monday, November 30, 2009
God is good!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Candy Corn anyone?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009
It's Fall Ya'll
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday Campbell Q!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Baby Baker!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
The summer is FLYING by
We are now in our 2nd trimester. I feel great and things are looking wonderful. Only small hiccup was that my thyroid disease got a little too high with this baby, so my meds were increased. Already feeling better with the higher dose meds. Jennifer Binford, Missy (Knowling) Walti's mom, is my OB nurse. It is so comforting knowing someone who I have known for all these years will be and is able to care for not only myself but for this baby. All of you know that having Campbell was a very difficult pregnancy, delivery, with many scares. But Jennifer has a close eye on me and she is excited to be taking care of us as we are to have her. Unfortunately, we are considered high risk with this baby due to my previous pregnancy/delivery with Campbell. But I have a feeling we are going to ROCK this pregnancy out (at least that is what I am telling myself). Sorry Missy it has taken me so long to tell you that your mom is taking care of me. By the way your mom is glowing. She looks and seems so happy. So feel free to tell her that you now know.
Moving into the new house is coming along. Jeremy is off on Sunday for 9 days to get us moved in. Lucky for him, I will be out of his hair because I have to attend a teacher inservice all next week. I will probably have boxes on top of boxes to unpack and sort every night when I get home. FUN!
I will take some pics of the new house this weekend on my flip and I promise to get them posted. In the meantime, here is a video of Campbell jumping off the diving board for the second time in her life. Go Campbell! She is getting so big.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Big Suprise Coming in January
We are pregnant...again!
I am 8 weeks along and doing great. This pregnancy so far has been nothing like carrying Campbell. No morning sickness and feeling nauseous all the time. I feel pretty much normal except being tired and already getting a beer gut. The doctor says your body knows what to do the second time and just goes straight to work. I didn't even get a baby bump with Campbell until about 14 weeks so to be only 8 and have a pooch is funny. We are so excited. A lot of changes with buying the new house next week, moving our school building and into a new home, and now the excitement of another child. We are thrilled and shocked, but oh so blessed! Campbell is very ecstatic and can't wait. She has been to 2 ultrasounds with us and is so mesmerized every time. She will be a fabulous big sister! Here is just a quick home video we shot the week we found out. Thought we would share! PS*** Campbell goes back and forth thinking it is a sister or a brother. She also thinks we should name a brother "Troy" and if it is a sister "Gabriella" after High School Musical. As you can tell, Jeremy is praying for a boy! ha! I am just over the mountain knowing that Campbell will have a sibling.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hotel Jones

Monday, April 13, 2009
Have we been hit by a tornado?
Everywhere I look there is a box, a pile, a random item, etc. This moving thing is setting me over the edge. I am the person who puts all of Campbell's toys away every night before bed, who doesn't like dishes in her sink, who obsesses what is laying on the table or counter instead of the proper place I would like it to be stored. I am going crazy knowing that my great room is no longer great. That boxes are stacked as tall as me and piles of items on random furniture pieces are now the focus in our home. With the rain today and possibility tomorrow the big move is going slowly. I feel like we have gotten a lot done, but then it is the lingering pieces that lay in a room untouched.
Tomorrow I have called off work for a "mental health" day. It will allow me to do about another 10 hours of packing. My parents are coming over tomorrow to help Jeremy and I. Thank you Mom and Dad. I hope I can go to sleep tomorrow night knowing a few of the rooms are completely done.
I asked for this move, but not in such a fast moving speed. It is almost over. I want us to be out and done packing, but again it is our HOME and bittersweet feelings hang like a cloud.
Wish us luck!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ready, Set, Go!
1. Jeremy turned 34 YESTERDAY, sorry for the belated birthday blog wish babe. Without access to a computer it was hard to post. I am glad you had a wonderful day at Purgatory playing golf and family dinner was fun. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful year to come with lots of wonderful adventures.
Friday, March 27, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Where is the rubberband?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Come on Spring!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Two weeks behind