The holidays are over, which means tomorrow morning so is my vacation break. The two weeks we have off at Christmas time are one of my favorite times of all year. I love that since I am a teacher I have always had this break since I was a child. I got 2 weeks off as a kid, 3 weeks off as a college student, and now has a professional adult I still get 2 weeks off. Why ever have a different job? I loved being home with Campbell and taking in all the different opportunities to be with her, our family, and our friends. I will have a hard time getting up in the morning since Dec. 19th I have been on my own schedule. Poor little Campbell just doesn't want me going back to work. I can already hear her saying "Momma, you stay here, don't go to work.". It is hard to complain about going back to work when I am so lucky to have this time off with my job. Anyway, with that being said, I will go back with a smile and a little bit of a sad heart that Campbell and I will not be eating our breakfast tomorrow morning and taking in an episode of Imagination Movers. But who says I can't start the count down to the weekend!
I hear ya, Jess! I've had 2 weeks off too! I just explained to Breydon that Mommy's vacation was over and that I had to go back to work. He was a mess...then I was a mess... I just want to hit the lottery so that I can stay home with him!!! I hope you have a good day tomorrow. I'll be thinking of ya! Nickie
Nickie---Hang in there as well tomorrow on our first offical day back from our 2 week vacation! Our kiddos are lucky to have grandparents who are such part of their lives when we have to work! Take care!
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