So here goes:
Christmas Eve-wow--look at the belly

Day of delivery. Had a dr appoint and wasn't planning on even delivering this day but
dr had different plans since my blood pressure just wouldn't stay down. Again poor
Jeremy got a call from me to come home from work because we were headed to the hospital
to deliver this baby.
6:26 pm. First time seeing our son. This csection even though another emergency...was a lot
more relaxed and we felt so elated to have him here.

The first time Campbell got to see Baker.
As you can see Baker is already on oxygen. Campbell was such a good girl and handled the whole
situation way beyond her years. She was so excited to have a brother. She just told everyone,
"He's out...Baby Baker is out!".

Good ole' Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Both of our angels had this when they were born.
Who would of thought we would ever encounter this once but let alone twice. This was the day after
Baker was transported by Riley to Community North. He ended up needing a vent to help him breath just
following in his sister's footsteps.
First time I got to hold Baker. They had to pin his vent to my scrubs and it was poking me in the face the entire time, but I didn't even notice...I was in complete peace holding my guy.

The vent is out and he is on a vapor therm. (heated oxygen).

First pic of his face with all tubes removed and dressed. Hospital clothes of course but
it didn't matter we were moving in the right direction.

Look at that smile! Through it all little Miss Campbell Q was shuffled all around.
The first week Jeremy stayed with Baker the whole time while I was in the hospital. I stayed with Baker when I was released. But we decided we just missed Campbell so much so we would stay with Baker all day and then come home and put our best parent face on and do something special with Campbell at night.
Exhaustion was beyond explainable but it is funny how you just go to it and do what has to be done.

Before we could be released to take Bake home his jaundice level had to come down.
Oh the lovely jaundice lamps.

Baker leaving the NICU. COLTS PLAYOFFS! We WON!
2 weeks

3 weeks- First bath...loved it. Never cried until we took him out...he was chilly!
4 weeks- loves the swing!
5 weeks- Baker sleeps best on his belly. Just like he did in the NICU. But since I am
paranoid with him sleeping that way, he doesn't get the luxury often unless we are right with him.
6 weeks
We love you Campbell and Baker!
Thanks for sharing Jess. You should blog more often. :) XOXO
I love the posting! Made me cry! He's absolutely beautiful. I'm so happy for you guys! I can't wait to get my hands on him!
So sweet, Jess - Baker and Campbell are beautiful and I love reading about your reflections on your past 6 weeks - you have such a grateful heart! Mis
He's so beautiful!! So glad he is doing well. And Campbell is going to be a wonderful big sister!! Can't wait to hold him!!
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